D.I.Y Action Figures aus Müll in Afghanistan

Rupert Valero ist bei der US-Army und in Afghanistan stationiert. Dort recycelt er in seiner Freizeit rumliegenden Müll und Schrott zu ziemlich tollen Action-Figuren. Interview plus ausgewählte Monster-Bots gibts hier.

How did you get inspired to start making these figures? My mind never stops thinking of building things whether its toys or buildings or whatever the occasion calls for. I love robots, and lack of joints will not stop me from creating what’s in my head.

How did people react to your creations when you started making them? They respect my ways of staying sane in this rough place. My different types of work inspire people to be creative themselves and ‘that’ is my main goal. Upcycled Action Figures in Afghanistan
(via Boing Boing)
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